
Do you want to work for a good cause in your free time, learn new things and work on exciting projects?

Support us as a volunteer!

As a volunteer at the IBC, you can take on exciting tasks and broaden your horizon. You can make a valuable contribution to achieving our vision: a world in which all people can lead a life without addiction.

Together we define your tasks – you decide how much time you want to „donate“ to us. Moreover, if you do not live near our headquarters in Bern, you can also support us from home. We are looking forward to international support from different countries and continents! Of course, we will provide you with a certificate for your commitment!

We are always looking for volunteers in the following areas:

You would help us to generate donations, by picking up the phone and calling potential donors, for example. Together with the fundraising team, you would also discuss ways to generate new donations.

You would support us in the management of our social media channels, design project brochures, or maintain our online marketing activities such as Google AdWords.

You would help us to publish our communication media in several languages. For this, you have to be fluent in at least two of the following languages: German, English, French or Portuguese.

You would support us in activities related to administration, bookkeeping, finances and everything else that currently occurs in our office in Bern.

Interessiert? Kontaktieren Sie uns!

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Lebenslauf, erzählen Sie uns von Ihren Qualifikationen oder Fähigkeiten, die Sie mitbringen, Ihrer Verfügbarkeit und in welcher Funktion Sie uns unterstützen möchten.

Sonja Pönisch

Administration & Mitglieder


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