par Sonja_IBC | Juil 31, 2023 | Non classifié(e)
Naya Suruwat Nepal is a totally volunteer based NGO. It was created as there is a great concern of alcohol and other drug related harm in Tansen region. Their board consists of doctors, teachers, social and pastoral care professionals and people with history of addiction and recovery. Each member of Naya Suruwat gives 1-4 hours of their time as a volunteer for the work. This excellent team has been a great comfort to many people struggling with addiction. The work continues to reach the most vulnerable and excluded people. Naya Suruwat is starting new peer support groups that are open to people struggling with their addiction. Nepal is a multi faith society and as Christians we can express love in action through opening doors to people from all backgrounds. It is love that covers all understanding and gives people opportunity to experience forgiveness and grace in their recovery process. The groups will appreciate participants multiple faith backgrounds and aim is to create a loving and listening atmosphere.
par Sonja_IBC | Fév 9, 2023 | Non classifié(e)
Anne Babb and Anja Tuchtenhagen, the General Secretary and fundraiser at IBC, are back from their recent field trip to Lomé. They really appreciated the first-hand impressions of the projects, especially after Corona. The work at Blue Cross Togo is inspiring and bringing positive results in schools and the wider community. Through the close collaboration with various Government departments, municipalities, churches and NGO’s Blue Cross Togo is leading developments for new legislation to better regulate the sale of alcohol in general and around schools in particular. The Life Skills prevention and education programme foster healthy behavior and enable the youth to practice wise choices in various situations in their life. Blue Cross Togo also reaches out to help people of all ages through a wide range of projects. These include girls at the local hairdressing academy, women through community action and male taxi drivers. Anne and Anja saw how the Blue Cross Togo have worked hard to open Togo’s first ever rehabilitation centre to help people with addiction issues. This is a big step forward and helps bring positive change in the lives of many more people. The appreciated work with the local team was inspiring, fruitful and very constructive!
If you want to read more about our project in Togo, you will find some info in the programmes section.