In December, Flavia Ganarin, the new IBC programme officer, was ready for her first visit to the youth prevention project in Congo-Brazzaville.
In December, Flavia Ganarin, the new IBC programme officer, was ready for her first visit to the youth prevention project in Congo-Brazzaville.
The project “Generation 5S” stands for “sans alcool, sans drogue, sans VIH/SIDA, sans violence, sans discrimination” (without alcohol, drugs, VIH/SIDA, violence, discrimination). The participating youth of Brazzaville learn here to cope with difficulties in their life in a healthy way – without alcohol and drugs. The programme gives them a space to develop their talents and skills. Through regular Life Skills trainings at schools, the young participants are supported to grow into responsible adults with self-esteem and positive outlook.

For Flavia´s visit, the local team of IBC partner organisation CTPAD had prepared a diverse programme. After a warm welcome they accompanied her through a series of visits and meetings with local stakeholders such as the Evangelical Church of Congo, the Institute responsible for the elaboration of school curricula, the Institute of deaf children, several neighborhood committees and multiple schools where IBC programme activities are being implemented.
She conducted focus group discussions with participating youth to get first-hand feedback, attended life skills trainings and met with parent´s initiatives which support the programme.
Besides this, Flavia has organised a variety of capacity-building trainings on project cycle management, monitoring and evaluation and prevention of sexual abuse and harassment with the local project staff. “It was gratifying to see how the local people are eager to learn and develop the programme further. It has been running here since 2013 and thousands of students have so far benefitted from the programme. What is very important and makes me proud is that the local politicians and stakeholders are engaged and support the initiative unanimously”.
During her stay Flavia met many young people who, thanks to the programme, made a conscious decision to live without alcohol and drugs – that gives hope! Due to the success, IBC will expand its activities in Congo in 2019 and intensify cooperation with churches, police, associations and community leaders.