Deborah’s Volunteer Experience at IBC
“I wanted to work for an organisation that makes the world a better place.”
My motivation for becoming a volunteer at IBC is simple: I want to work for an organisation that makes the world a better place. And I felt that IBC gives me a possibility to do so. In advocating for better alcohol and drug rehabilitation and prevention, one feels the common vision the members of the Blue Cross family share: A world in which every person receives help and support without being stigmatised.
As a volunteer, it is my main task to assist the Finance Officer in the daily work load. I help reconciling bank accounts and expenses and support payment allocation and invoicing. This is where I feel I can use my skills best. Usually I came to the office in Bern once per week and I feel it is an ideal opportunity for me to get an insight into a different field of work and learn new things. The staff and the other volunteers are friendly and I always enjoy coming to the office – all in all an enriching experience!
Deborah Schütte, Switzerland